The dull grey sky lay before Emma, and raindrops tapped gently on the window. The rain fell heavily from the clouds. And then she remembered her new Rain for raincoat and bright yellow boots hanging in the hallway. Wow she said and she so excited because she can't wait to tried it and jump in the puddles! Emma inhaled the chill air and walked outside into the light drizzle. That was the moment she knew she was on a great adventure right in the midst of a rain storm exploring new sights.
Finding New Things in the Rain
As Emma walked, the water began to seep through her raincoat, but she wasn't sad, or cold; she was happy and exhilarated about her adventure. She watched rain create rivulets down the street that conjoined into pools shining like diamonds. The raindrops that fell, all around Emma, made a beautiful soft noise; it was like music to her ears. She noticed some things seemed shinier and more colorful in the rain; others appeared changed altogether.
Pondering Life and Love in the Rain
Emma had a lot of time to think about many things when she was in the rain. She began to think that rain is so much like life. At times, life is like a storm. In the same way as a rainstorm, we have to deal with big issues. But Emma knew that facing our problems and overcoming them only served to make us stronger and teach us valuable lessons. She also contemplated love, which can also be as beautiful as rain. When we feel love, everything around us looks beautiful and illuminated, then sometimes, as rain, is not so easy to comprehend.
Exploring the Rainy Night
Emma loved the idea of a night walk in the Raincoat for heavy rain. She imagined all the mystery and magic that could be hidden in the darkness. So one night she took a walk under a starry sky. She knew it would be difficult to see much of anything, but that reminded her of something her dad had told her: "When it’s dark, don’t rely only on your eyes, use your other senses, too. So, she really listened to the sound of the raindrops tapping on the pavement, felt the wet gravel under her boots, smelled the fragrance of wet earth surrounding her. And then she heard something in the nearby bushes rustle, and her heart dropped. But to her relief, it was merely a little hedgehog looking for food!
Staying Safe During a Thunderstorm
Emma was always slightly scared of thunderstorms, but there was something that intrigued her about them, as well. She loved how everything became illuminated with bright flashes of lightning, and the loud rumble of thunder was music to her ears. One stormy day she was walking home from the library when all of a sudden, a thunderstorm moved in. The wind whipped up, and rain began to pour. Emma darted under the shelter of a large tree to keep dry and watched the storm pass in front of her. It only took a few minutes for her to hear a million raindrops striking the leaves of the tree, and a soothing sound filled her ears. To Emma, this felt like a safe cocoon compared to the crazy world on the other side.
Fun Adventures on Rainy Days
Emma loved adventures, and rainy days were bursting with fun possibilities. On rainy days, she would wander outside for hours at a time, jigging about in the puddles, or, on the odd occasion, sat on a window sill with a steaming cup of hot cocoa watching the raindrops race to the bottom of the window pane. Her best friend Jack she met on a special day, while walking through the rain. He had a bag of cookies with him, and that made the day right there!” They walked in the rain, singing silly songs and eating cookies and laughing a lot. Every where rain made it more adventurous!
So in short you will gain various moods and stories while walking in the rain. It may be a thrilling adventure, a period for considerations and reflections, a mystery for undetermined answers to be discovered or a moment of tranquillity to enjoy. Rain An experience to feel and observe closely. When walking in the rain amazing fun remember to wear your Motor raincoat and rubber boots next time it rains. So enjoy the rain around you and let it come into your day!